Carrion Press

Submission Guidelines

Queer responses to Dante's Paradiso


Deadline: 21st June 2024

Submit to: [email protected]

Accepting written responses to themes presented in Dante's Paradiso (Paradise) from the Divine Comedy.

This is a sequel publication to Queer Responses to Dante's Inferno - for examples of pieces we are interested in, we recommend you read this publication.

All forms of written submissions are accepted. We are particularly interested in experimental writing. 

If your piece has specific formatting, please submit it to fit 203 x 127mm with 3mm margins, as this will be the size of the final publication, as well as submitting in both a text document (.docx, etc) and a pdf.

We are accepting proposals for this publication.

There is an upper word limit of 2500 words. If you have a piece that is longer than this that you want to submit, please submit it as a proposal with an extract included.

This publication will be printed in Black and White. Please bare this in mind if your piece includes non-text elements.

Link to read Dante's Paradiso for Free

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